Monday, January 09, 2006

Secrets of Internet Marketing

Secrets of Internet Marketing

The first secret to internet marketing is that there is no secret. As with all other types of marketing, internet marketing requires work; hard work and lots of it.

The second secret is this: It ain't free.

Free online advertising just doesn't seem to be as effective as marketing that you have to put up your hard earned cash for, (with a couple of exceptions, see below).

One of the largest challenges to any website is generating the traffic to that website. I have compiled a list of methods which will help make your marketing campaigns more effective.

1. Blogs
Obviously, since this is a blog, I'm going to list blogs. And blogs are one of the few free ways that seem to be effective.

2. Classified ads/Ezines & online newsletters
Submit your ad to these resources and write articles for them. Become an expert in your field. Or start your own or have one created for you.

3. Newsgroup postings
Join the newsgroups related to your subject and submit information vital to that subject & include a link to your website. Just don't post an obvious ad, you'll get banned. Include real content and then Maybe include a link to your site.

4. and other expert/advice sites
You are now an expert in your field. Go to these sites and offer free advice. Suggest people visit your site for more information.

5. Search engines & directories
Google, Yahoo, etc. Get your website listed on as many as you can find.

6. Paid search engines & directories
These are usually the same as in 5 above, and appear on the same page. But the paid ads have a more conspicuous position.

7. Adwords and paid key word search
Nearly the same as 6 above but whereas in 6 you paid for an ad, here you're paying for specific keywords hoping to generate click through traffic. This includes click-through advertising, paid to read programs et al.

8. Opt-in/For-pay email
These are good resources but be careful of scams. You don't want to get caught by one, neither do you want to be associated with a scam. Try to stick to those services which offer double opt-in mailing lists.

9. Online advertising
Basically anything online I may have missed. The internet is always changing and new ways of marketing and new ways of doing the same thing will keep cropping up all the time. You can take advantage of these new opportunities only if you are watching out for them.

10. Offline advertising
Business cards, ads in local papers, flyers & handouts, t-shirts with your website address, etc

11. Inline advertising
A signature block with your website address at the bottom of every email you send out.

12. PR - Public Relations
This is one of my favorites as it has never failed me. Sendout a press release to every TV station, radio station, magazine & newspaper in your area. Someone will call.

13. Chat rooms
Get into those chat rooms that relate to your subject & chat. Tell people about your website. But don't go there just to leave a 1 line ad, I hate that. Talk, have fun & let people know you're interested in them And that you have a great website they might be interested in.

14. Co-Sponsorships
Also known as joint ventures. Find someone who markets a similar but not identical product in your field. Or, maybe you can find someone that has a product that your offering will complement. Offer to split the costs of online or offline advertising with them and/or to share the profits from any sales with them. This will open up a whole new customer base for you.

15. Affiliate programs
Set up your own. Offer resale rights if your affiliates send you the customer and the proceeds right away.

16. Online course
Offer an online course that features valuable content but that also sells your product.

17. Traffic Swarm
Of all the online marketing sites, this is the only one I mention specifically because it's That good. You can get a free or paid level membership. Place a small classified ad and people who are interested in your ad will click through and (hopefully) buy your product. Go here - - for more details.

You'll notice that I didn't mention banner ads. The reason is that recent surveys show that banner ads are cost ineffective. However, they may (or may not) be effective in increasing your name/brand recognition with the internet public.

I also haven't mentioned the auto-surf or manual surf sites. I didn't mention them because they don't work. An auto-surf site runs automatically on your computer while you're away. If you're doing it, isn't everyone else? Manual surf sites are only marginally better. They may or may not be cost effective.

I have tried all the above at one time or another. Sometimes one works well, at other times it won't. The internet is a dynamic place and what works one day may not work another day and then may be your best campaign at a later date. My advice? Try everything, keep trying, don't give up and sooner or later, your advertising will generate the results you had hoped for.

A few of my other sites:

Perry Jones - Politics and Policy -

Congratulations! You've Won a Million Dollars! Now What? -

How to Get Rich -

Home/Online Biz Ops -
Click the Refresh button to review a new opportunity

Paypal to E-Gold -

The Purpose of Life -


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